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Council of the Chamber

The Council of the Chamber is the highest body of the Chamber between the General Assembly Meetings. It consists of 5 members elected by the General Assembly during the secret or open voting depending on the respective resolution of the General Assembly. The expiration of the mandate of the membership occurs at the termination of the membership in the Chamber of the entity or resignation. In such cases the Council of the Chamber adds the member of the Council from the same group of enterprises. The members of the Council elect from among its members the President of the Chamber and two Vice Presidents. The Council of the Chamber meets at least twice a year. The Council meetings are convened by the President. The President and two Vice Presidents represent the Chamber.

Competences of the Council of the Chamber:

  • executing resolutions of the General Assembly,
    • interpreting the provisions of the Articles of Association,
    • admitting members and deleting members from the list of members of the Chamber and processing appeals with the full attendance of the Council of the Chamber against resolutions rejecting admission of a member to the Chamber and against resolutions on deletion of a member from the list of members,
    • determining annual activity plans of the Chamber and approving draft budgets,
    • analysing reports of the Office of the Chamber on execution of the Chamber activity plans and financial plans as well as approving balance sheets,
    • processing complaints and proposals concerning the activity of the Chamber,
    • adopting resolutions on establishment and dissolution of organisation units of the
    • Chamber and determining the rules of their operations,        
    • determining the rules for funding the activity of the Chamber, establishing special purpose funds and adopting their rules and regulations as well as taking decisions on other financial issues,
  • taking decisions on selling and purchasing real estate and fixed assets of the Chamber,
  • adopting resolutions on the issues of joining other organisations,    
  • convening the General Assembly and preparing its agenda,
  • adopting resolutions on all matters not reserved to the powers of other authorities of the Chamber,
  • hiring and determining remuneration rules for the Director of the Office of the Chamber,
  • managing assets of the Chamber,
  • establishing and dismissing advisory commissions and consultancy teams as well as supervising their operations, appointing experts.